Pantohematogen is a product derived from young horns (antlers) of the Altai red deer. This substance is a dried blood, which is extracted by cutting the soft, not yet hardened antlers of deer. What is the magic? Especially popular products containing pantohematogen is in China, Korea and Japan, where since ancient times have shown great…
We offer the following medicinal products: portable medical equipment for home use, Karlovy Vary salt, biologically active food supplements and cosmetics made in the Altai Republic - a world-famous ecologically pure natural area. Many food supplements contain two unique ingredients - stone oil, pantohematogen and extracts from world-famous medicinal herbs. Each product is certified, has a targeted medicinal effect, promotes overall health and strengthens the immune system.
In the Altai produce an amazing product – pantogematogen. How is it made, why is it taken and do reindeer suffer from it? Antler reindeer breeding emerged in Altai more than a hundred years ago, which contributed to the unique natural and climatic conditions of the region, which are the most favorable for breeding antler…
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