Pantohematogen: how and why this product is made from deer antlers
In the Altai produce an amazing product – pantogematogen. How is it made, why is it taken and do reindeer suffer from it?
Antler reindeer breeding emerged in Altai more than a hundred years ago, which contributed to the unique natural and climatic conditions of the region, which are the most favorable for breeding antler reindeer. Altai maral is considered an endemic, one of the best representatives of this kind of animals in the world. This species of deer is found in other parts of the world, but it is in the Altai antlers are charged with the amazing power that gives pantogematogen its healing properties – here on one square meter can grow up to 50-60 species of plants and roots, which feed these noble animals.
Pantogematogen is a powerful natural adaptogen, which is obtained from young horns (antlers) of the Altai red deer. More precisely from the blood contained in them, extracted in a harmless way for the animal during the active growth of antlers. Animals are not killed and not tortured in order to obtain pantagematogen. At young deer cut antlers in the period of their intensive growth, approximately from February to August. Antlers differ from ossified horns – they are soft, fluffy, they circulate blood with a high content of active biological substances. Maral antlers contain 20 vital amino acids. They are also rich in macro- and microelements, containing iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, selenium, cobalt, copper, zinc, iodine. By the number of useful substances and the strength of the healing effect on the body Altai pantogematogenu has no equal.
Blood and antlers of the Altai red deer belong to the highest category of quality, can have a significant positive impact on the functioning of the human body, due to which the cost of Altai products of antler reindeer breeding is the highest in the international market. Pantohematogen strengthens the body to such an extent that he himself copes with disease.
It is actively used in neurological and gerontological practice.
Possesses tonic properties.
Has a pronounced immunostimulant effect, increases the body’s defenses and resistance to infectious diseases by stimulating cellular and primary humoral Jg G immunity.
Positive effect in neuroses, neurasthenia, stress-related diseases of the cardiovascular system, normalizes sleep.
Increases mental and physical performance.
Accelerates recovery and healing after extensive trauma, fractures, surgery, burns, severe illness and blood loss.
Slows down the aging process, activating energy and metabolic processes in old age.
Stimulates sexual function.
Increases athletic, general and special performance, accelerates rehabilitation after sports injuries.
Facilitates and improves the adaptive reactions of the body when changing weather and climatic conditions.
Most often on the basis of pantogematogen make alcohol tinctures or capsules, convenient for ingestion. Another product from maral antlers – antler slices – thin plates cut from preserved, unripened horns of the red deer. Slices contain many mineral elements, amino acids (including essential), a number of phospholipids and steroids, which are 4-5 times more in antlers than in ossified horns.