The most frequent questions about ROFES E01C device
Dear friends!
We work a lot with in-home ROFES users and analyze a large number of rofograms. And in this card we gathered most frequently asked questions and answers. We hope that this information will make it easier for you to work with the device and estimate testing results.
We strongly recommend that you read the ROFES-testing Guide, and if you have a question and cannot find the answer, you are welcome to contact us at the following address: info@carlaine.com
- How is it possible to obtain so much information about the state of health while testing only one point?
ROFES system uses the physical principle of testing based on the estimation of cutaneogalvanic resistance in MC-7, a biologically active point, using electric pulses of different power, frequency, voltage, and duration. After many years of studies, some of which were started in 1965, it was revealed what values are typical of a male or a female at a certain age, and what factors are typical of a person with disorders. The difference between the normal value and values obtained is estimated on scale from 1 to 5. Thus, we get a rofogram, a table with values of the health state in general, and specific organs in particular.
- It seems to me that I do not place the device on my wrist accurately enough. Is it very critical if the device is placed not accurately?
The accuracy of the device positioning plays a critical role because the testing should be carried out strictly in MC-7 point. The device guide provides a description of how to place it accurately.
- I entered a wrong date of birth instead of the real one before testing. And the rofogram was very different from what had been shown before. Why did it happen?
Normal electropunctural values for the both genders and all ages are set in the ROFES software. These values would be different at the age of 20 and 40 years. Databases for males and females are also different. If the gender or age has not been entered correctly, the values will be compared with the wrong database, and therefore the results will also be wrong.
- Why should I wait 20 minutes before the next testing?
This time interval for testing the same person is caused by the “point fatigue” phenomenon and the need to restore its electric potential.
- I was tested twice, with the interval of 24 hours. And the values on the second rofogram differed from those on the first one. Is it possible that my state changed just within 24 hours?
If ROFES always showed the same values, it would be just as useless as a thermometer showing the same temperature or a tonometer showing the same pressure every day. ROFES shows the health state in this particular moment, and the state of health can be changing and must be changing. Try to be tested before and after fitness workouts, stress, sauna, after a calm night and a sleepless one. It is important to know what influence different factors have on your organism. ROFES helps you find out what factors should be avoided and what, on the contrary, should be used more.
- On my rofogram I have mainly green values of organs and systems, while the value of the general state of health is much worse. Three or two. Can it be a mistake of the device or software?
The value of the general state of health is not the arithmetic mean of organ and system values, and it can differ significantly. The matter is that the general value is based on all data collected by ROFES, while the value of an organ or system is based only on those data related to this or that particular organ. The general value depends on physical and emotional load, and can be significantly lower in case of overfatigue or stress than the values of organs and systems.
- A lady whom I know had her uterus completely removed, and ROFES estimates its functionality at 5. Moreover, I suffer from chronic kidney failure and take drugs regularly, and ROFES shows value 4. Why?
This question can be asked about any organ which has been removed and any organ whose normal functionality is maintained by a drug therapy or physiotherapy. ROFES shows how the organism adapted to the organ absence or how it is able to compensate its functions. It also shows whether the current therapy is efficient or not.
- My child has gaps in the results; there is just a white bar instead of a value. Why?
It is normal. Some organs and systems in the organism of a child have not been developed yet. It can be said mainly about the reproductive system. If the device cannot obtain the response, it just puts a gap – no value.
- Is it possible to test a person in coma or acute febrile state?
It is unreasonable to conduct a testing when a person is in acute state, since the values would not be correct.