History of the use of maral antlers
The first mentions of the healing properties of the horns of young red deer, otherwise known as antlers, are contained in ancient Chinese mythology and in the scientific works of healers of ancient Rome. Why is this ancient medicine valued and what diseases does it cure?
A little history …
The history of the use of the horns of the red deer dates back many centuries, they have long been used as raw materials for sale to China. In the 19th century, marals in the Altai began to be raised in special farms. In the 1930s, Soviet scientists noticed the great popularity of antlers among their eastern neighbors and began to study their properties.
Farms for breeding red deer were created in different parts of Russia, but the most successful ones are in Altai. It is here that pantohematogen, derived from the antlers of red deer, is of the highest quality. It is believed that this is due to the presence in the diet of Altai red deer various medicinal herbs growing in the Altai.
Composition of pantogematogen
The horns of red deer are used for the production of pantohematogen or, simply put, an extract of maral blood. Why is this blood so valuable? The fact that young horns are covered with thin skin and are completely intertwined with blood vessels. During periods of active growth, they absorb all the strength of the animal, and the blood circulating in them is a true quintessence of useful substances.
Maral horns contain 18 vital amino acids. They are also rich in macro and trace elements including iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, selenium, cobalt, copper, zinc and iodine. The importance of each of these substances for human health is enormous!
Maral horns: useful properties
Here are just some of the useful properties of pantohematogen, which is obtained from the antlers of the red deer:
- Strengthening effect;
- Immunostimulating effect;
- Adaptability;
- Tonic property;
- Wound-healing property;
- Anti-inflammatory effect, etc.
In ancient Chinese medicine, maral horns were mainly used to treat blood diseases. In fact, because of their high iron content, they are an effective treatment for anemia.
Pantohematogen is an adaptogen – a substance that helps the body adapt to changing conditions. Therefore, maral horns are used for stress and negative environmental influences. Pantohematogen is also used as an antidepressant – unlike pharmaceutical drugs, it is not addictive.
Maral horns are used to increase mental and physical performance. Excellent restores strength and fills with energy. Help in the treatment of infectious diseases and heart disease. Their mild hypotonic effect makes them effective in preventing hypertension.
Pantohematogen “CARLAINE”
Pantohematogen “CARLAINE” is available in the most suitable form – in the form of capsules. There are 3 products based on pantohematogen in the product line. In addition to pantogematogen, capsules contain various useful additives that enhance its effect depending on the purpose. Thus, pantogematogen “Women’s Beauty” is a great tool for maintaining the beauty and health of women. Pantohematogen “Male Power” is recommended for men to strengthen their physical and emotional health.
Familiarize yourself with all the products of the series you can on our section “Energy of Nature”.
How to use pantogematogen “CARLAINE” is very simple: you should take 1 capsule once a day in the morning and drink water. Each package contains 30 capsules and is designed for exactly one course of use.