CARLAINE Day Cream Review
“Без сомнения, я люблю и ценю хороший уход как за своим лицом, так и за своим телом. Также всегда обращаю внимание на упаковку продукции. Кремы для кожи от производителя CARLAINE поставляются в прекрасной упаковке и очень удобно дозируются.
“Without a doubt, I love and appreciate good care for both my face and my body. I also always pay attention to the packaging of the products. The skin creams from the manufacturer CARLAINE come in beautiful packaging and are very conveniently dispensed.
Let me start by saying that these are natural cosmetics that you just can’t ignore. I used to associate creams with natural fragrances with being outdated. It’s just my opinion, smelling herbal = smelling fresh. But as I’ve gotten older (35+), I’ve come to appreciate it from a different perspective. The scent of the cream for me is very pleasant and very seductive!
A week of using CARLAINE day cream has fulfilled all my promises and expectations. Immediately after applying the cream, your skin becomes brighter. You can feel the freshness. The skin becomes firmer and more pleasant to look at.
Myself and my sensitive skin give this cream a rating of 10/10!
It does not cause any itching or redness. The consistency of the cream is liquid and light! It is applied evenly and easily. I would also like to note that the cream is quickly absorbed after application! It doesn’t leave any grease, moisturizes and nourishes perfectly. A little later I will definitely be able to evaluate the CARLAINE night cream! It is used in the evening, intensively moisturizes and has a lifting effect. I highly recommend everyone to use these products and the results will not be long in coming!
Patricie L.