A Mobile «phone» for communication with your body ROFES E01C device
Up-to-date technologies provide us with fantastic opportunities. We can receive information in a matter of seconds, being remote for thousand of kilometers from the scene. We are able to see, hear and even to participate in the events. However, we are still poorly informed about what is going on inside of our own body. We lack any technical device to communicate with it immediately.
How can we constantly receive the information on the processes occurring in our body so that we could know its trouble spots and prevent the development of dangerous changes? Such devices are generated by space medicine today and they are intended for an assessment of cosmonauts’ health level. One of such recently developed devices is a ROFES E01C device for testing the level of your health. It is a small device that works jointly with a mobile communication device. It can be called a mobile «phone» for communication with your body.
What sort of information can we get with its help? The device tests a functional condition of 17 major organs and systems, enabling us to see, how their work is affected by different loads: physical, stressful, connected with malnutrition, bad habits, sharp change in the weather, environmental problems, etc. The program shows, how the whole organism and its every organ react and adjust to this influence. If the organism does not get adapted to loadings, the risk of diseases grows. In this case, the program helps to reveal the trouble spots, a predisposition of organs to disease and future risk assessments at present. It enables us to be aware of organism’s strength reserve.
Regular testing allows us to see in dynamics the working process of separate organs and of the whole body. The assessment of psycho- motional state shows the influence of emotions on the work of the body. The testing results are displayed in easy and clear five-point evaluate system and marked out by appropriate colors.
All the information can be found in comments on assessments. It is easy to understand to any person and does not demand special medical knowledge. The device is convenient and simple in use. The indications are taken from a point on the hand. To begin testing it is just enough to start up the program and press one button on the device.
The time has come to listen to your body and set ourselves on a positive course, especially now when we are given such opportunities! We have ceased to write each other letters. We use the Internet and cellular communication. So it has come in the field of health to pass to new technologies.
Here is the decision. ROFES E01C device is your mobile «phone» for communication with your body.
ROFES E01C is not intended for self-diagnosing or confirming clinical diagnosis, as well as for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases, medical research, rehabilitation, and replacement, changes in anatomical structure or physiological functions of the body. The purpose of the device is to control the changes in the functional state of the body and to work out the future disease risks in consequence of repeated dysfunctions. Early detection of risks results in preventive care-seeking.